What kind of people can you expect to find? You will see pretty much the entire spectrum as in any group. We are a diverse group, coming from varied backgrounds, and in different stages of knowledge and spiritual growth. We don’t know everything. We don’t do everything right. We haven’t arrived – we’re just on the journey together.
You get the picture. The one type of people you will not find here is perfect people. We are a bit like the little Kentucky community of Hartford that has a billboard on the edge of town that says, “The Home of 3,000 Friendly People – And A Few Old Soreheads.”
So you see, we are not brought together by any illusions of our perfection of righteousness. We were brought together by our recognition that we are sinners in need of the cleansing blood of Jesus.1 That’s the reason we can worship together, stick together, grow together, and, with God’s help, accomplish some things that make a difference.
You won’t have to look very far to find our failures, but you will find people who love Jesus and love the Bible.
1 Acts 8:35-39; Romans 6:3-4; Colossians 2:12