Sand Hill Christian Church is part of the Restoration Movement which began in the early 1800’s led by Alexander Campbell, James O’ Kelly, Dr. Abner Jones and Barton Stone. The chief effort of the Restoration Movement was to restore the New Testament pattern in worshiping and serving of God. The main principles today include weekly Lord’s Supper, baptism by immersion, and no hierarchical structure (i.e. each congregation is independent of others). The principles of the Restoration Movement may be summarized as follows:
- Recognition of Christ as supreme authority in religion and the New Testament as the only rule of faith and practice.
- Recognition of the New Testament pattern of the church.
- The autonomy of the local church.
- The unity of all Christians.
At Sand Hill Christian Church, we follow the practice of autonomy of the church and are therefore not a denomination, but we do participate with sister churches in projects and programs to exalt Christ and spread the Gospel. We are not the only Christians, but we desire to be Christians only. The Lord’s Supper is a part of our worship service each Sunday and it is open to all believers in Christ. We observe baptism by immersion for the repentant believer. We are not perfect saints; we are forgiven sinners growing in grace to spiritual maturity.
Special note: We are always looking for more information on the history of this congregation. If you are aware of any additional records, memories, or stories concerning the Sand Hill Christian Church, please contact us and let us know.